Author Archives for admin

Understanding How Coconut Water Affects Your Health

June 18, 2019 11:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many benefits to drinking coconut water in Eau Claire, WI. Coconut water sales doubled in 2011 as the coconut water craze caught on, with many athletes and even those who enjoy only light exercise choosing coconut water over sports drinks and plain water. Rehydrate and replenish your electrolytes while enjoying a refreshing treat, and read on to learn more about the benefits of coconut water in Eau Claire, WI:   Low calorie: Many people who are working out, whether seriously or recreationally, are concerned or at least aware of their calorie intake. While sports drinks may be rehydrating,... View Article

Understanding Seasonal Allergy Symptoms in Eau Claire, WI and How to Find Relief

April 27, 2019 6:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Approximately 20 percent of all Americans suffer from some form of allergies, the most common of which are seasonal allergies (followed by food allergies). People who have particularly severe seasonal allergy symptoms in Eau Claire, WI may be prescribed certain pharmaceuticals, but some of them can actually aggravate the symptoms for which those medications were prescribed. Fortunately, you don’t always need to take medication to keep allergy symptoms in check. There are a variety of natural relief methods you can try out before you go to the doctor for something a little stronger. It just takes a little bit of... View Article

Natural Treatments to Help with Your Seasonal Allergies This Spring

April 12, 2019 6:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Springtime has arrived. If the weather or the calendar hadn’t alerted you to this fact, then perhaps your seasonal allergies did, if you’re someone who suffers from them. This is the time of year when the return of pollens and the rapidly warming air temperatures can wreak havoc on a person’s allergies and asthma. Symptoms such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes and nose and headaches all become more common at this time of year. While there are plenty of over-the-counter medications you can purchase to help treat your seasonal allergy symptoms, some people prefer to... View Article

Can Seniors Exercise Safely?

March 27, 2019 6:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As we age, our bodies change quite a bit. We often tire more quickly, hurt more easily and our bodies simply don’t move the way they used to. It can be easy for someone who once led an active lifestyle to find themselves slowing down as they get older, which leads us to the question of whether seniors can exercise safely. As a natural food store that also offers nutrition tips in Eau Claire, WI, we have one answer to that question: “Move it or lose it!” Who should exercise? Exercise, along with a proper diet, is key to everyone’s... View Article

Why Does My Diet Change with My Age?

March 12, 2019 6:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Remember when you could eat whatever you wanted without it seeming to disrupt your body? In high school you could eat a whole pizza at 9:00 at night without having to suffer through heartburn, or drink six cans of your favorite soda in a day without worrying about your heart. Now it seems that the wrong diet leaves you feeling bloated, tired or even sick. What’s that about? Well, it’s your age. While you can be young at heart forever, unfortunately, our bodies change with age. Our skin is thinner and less elastic, we experience muscle loss and even our... View Article