February 15, 2021
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If you frequent natural and organic food stores in Eau Claire, WI, you may have noticed papaya enzyme supplements on the shelves. Papayas are delicious to eat in their raw form, but many people have also found great benefits in the more concentrated forms of papaya enzyme. Also called papain, papaya enzyme is extracted from raw papaya plants to be used in various ways. The enzyme helps break down proteins, which is why it’s often used in meat tenderizers. It’s also available in the kinds of products you’ve likely noticed at natural and organic food shops like Mother Nature’s Food... View Article
November 5, 2020
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Every part of your body relies on water. In fact, most of your body is made of water, from your lungs to your bones. You need water to survive. As a premier health food store in Eau Claire, WI, our customers frequently ask us about health concerns that can be addressed at least in part by increasing water intake. How much water is enough? A common question we receive at our health food store in Eau Claire, WI concerns how much water a person should drink every day. That depends, because no two people are the same. The range of... View Article
October 8, 2020
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With Halloween and the winter holiday season coming up, many of us are about to eat a lot more sugar than usual—and the cold weather makes it harder for a lot of us to keep up with enough exercise to burn it all off. Unfortunately, sugar is a “universal inflammatory” that can cause health problems. They’re not just weight-related concerns and problems, either. Sugar is addictive and causes weight gain, but it can also trigger severe mental health problems as well as obesity, inflammation and heart disease. The best way to combat this is to focus on low-sugar, natural and... View Article
August 7, 2020
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Everybody gets a headache from time to time. Whether it’s a mild throbbing at the center of your brow or a debilitating pounding in your temples, no one enjoys enduring headaches. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the option to reach for some kind of over-the-counter headache relief like acetaminophen or aspirin. If you’re dealing with blood pressure issues or are prone to a sensitive stomach, those conventional pain relief methods may prove more harmful than helpful. Fortunately, you can gain headache relief with the aid of a healthy lifestyle supplemented by natural and organic foods in Eau Claire, WI. Here... View Article
July 15, 2020
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At long last, the cold winter weather has receded, and summer is here. It’s time to take advantage of all the splendor of our lush natural surroundings. Whether you’re out for a hike or you’re looking for an all-day activity the family will love, summer is the perfect season for a picnic. This summer, why not mix things up? Instead of the boring old picnic staples, why not stock your next family outing with an assortment of natural and organic foods in Eau Claire, WI? Things to avoid For some reason, the regular foods associated with a picnic have not... View Article