October 25, 2022 8:04 pm
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Did you know that apple cider vinegar can boost your health in many ways? It is also beneficial in helping to treat many health problems and contains anti-inflammatory properties. If you have diabetes, it can help you keep your blood sugar in check. If you are trying to lose weight, you may even want to try adding it to your weight-loss routine. Continue reading to find out more benefits of apple cider vinegar. Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar The acetic acid in vinegar contributes to the bitter taste of apple cider vinegar. But with that bitter taste comes many health... View Article
October 4, 2022 4:41 pm
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What are the hidden benefits of tea? There are several. People have been drinking tea, and herbal tea for that matter, for thousands of years. There are very good reasons why people choose to drink tea because there are so many great benefits, such as boosting your immune system and fighting off inflammation. Benefits of Flavored Herbal Teas Herbal teas, in particular, are similar to white teas. The difference is that herbal teas combine spices, fruits, herbs, and other plants along with tea leaves. If you are looking for a tea that doesn’t contain caffeine, herbal tea is the answer.... View Article
September 27, 2022 4:40 pm
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Have you ever heard of flower essence? If yes, do you have a clear understanding of what it’s for and what it does? If this is your first time encountering it, then let us introduce you to this amazing herbal concoction that brings plenty of relief. What Is a Flower Essence? A flower essence is a subtle energetic medicine derived from plants and is formulated into tinctures for easy use and application. By harvesting the essence of the flower through solar and water extraction, flower essence products become effective in bringing back your vitality, energy, and overall awareness of the... View Article
August 30, 2022 8:55 pm
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Stasher bag or bowl are endless reusable storage containers made of silicone. They are airtight and watertight and can be used in the microwave, oven, freezer, and dishwasher. Stasher bags come in different sizes and colors. The smallest size can hold about 1/4 cup of food, while the largest can hold up to 10 cups or 2.5 liters. What are the benefits of using stasher bags? 1. Eco-Friendly Usually, plastic wrap and aluminum foil are used once and then thrown away. Stasher bags can be reused repeatedly, which helps reduce waste and save money. This is a welcome change, especially... View Article
August 23, 2022 8:54 pm
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Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast, often a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sold commercially as a food product. It is sold in the form of flakes or as a yellow powder and can be found in the bulk aisle of most natural food stores. It is popular with vegans and vegetarians and is often used as a cheese substitute. Nutritional yeast is a good source of protein and vitamins, especially B-complex vitamins. It is also naturally low in fat and sodium. When fortified, it can also be an excellent source of vitamin B12. Nutritional yeast has been known to have... View Article