May 18, 2020
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Essential oils can contribute to your healthy lifestyle. Many people report essential oil benefits in Eau Claire, WI and experience lower stress levels and better focus. If you are interested in adding healthy essential oils to your routine, here are six benefits they can offer: Antibacterial/antiviral: People with allergies and asthma are often sensitive to commercial cleaning products. Bleach is hailed as a weapon during this pandemic, but truthfully, those with respiratory struggles cannot tolerate it. Lemon essential oil offers antibacterial, antiviral and antihistamine properties that make it a favorite ingredient in natural cleaning products. You can also use it... View Article
May 8, 2020
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Essential oil uses in Eau Claire, WI are not limited to diffusers. There are ways to enjoy essential oils even if you do not have a diffuser. Many people find the scents reassuring, but are not able to afford or find the right diffuser. If this is your situation, here are six ideas for enjoying the benefits of essential oils without a diffuser: Plain cotton balls: You likely own a bag of cotton balls, since they are one of the more useful household supplies. They are also an option for essential oils. Apply a few drops of your favorite oil... View Article
April 8, 2020
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The COVID-19 pandemic has people fanatically shopping for all types of hygiene products, including hand sanitizer. While the first line of defense is hand washing, hand sanitizer is better than nothing when you do not have access to running water or need to sanitize between essential errands. Fortunately, homemade hand sanitizer fills the gap when you cannot find any supplies on store shelves. Here are instructions for making DIY hand sanitizer in Eau Claire, WI. What you need DIY hand sanitizer contains the same three basic ingredients: isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99 percent), aloe vera gel and essential oil. The... View Article
April 8, 2020
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There are viruses everywhere, even when we’re not facing a global pandemic. While most of them are not likely to be deadly, they will still leave you stuck at home and unable to work or enjoy life to the fullest. Preventing sickness in Eau Claire, WI is about quality of life, and an immune system boost will help you avoid most illnesses. Here are five ways to strengthen your immune system: Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water every day is one of the easiest and most impactful ways to improve your health. When you are hydrated, your body heals more quickly,... View Article
March 13, 2020
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As we get older, our bones lose density—and in some cases, they lose density so rapidly it can lead to other issues. If you’re suffering from osteoporosis, or want to stave off potential issues, taking extra bone strength vitamins and supplements in Eau Claire, WI can help. Are your bones suffering as a result of other ailments? Talk to your doctor about the following supplements that might be able to help: Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is also essential to bone strength. While you get some vitamin D in food and from the sun, often... View Article