April 26, 2023
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What Are Some Health Benefits In Using Aloe Vera? Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help to reduce inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. It can also help to hydrate and soothe dry, itchy or red patches of skin. In addition, it can help to improve blood sugar levels and triglyceride (fat) levels in people with diabetes or prediabetes. But it can also lower blood sugar, so diabetics who take glucose-lowering drugs should be careful when taking aloe or using any other supplements that can cause their blood sugar to drop too low. Inflammation Aloe Vera has many natural... View Article
December 21, 2020
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There are numerous reasons to start taking protein powder on a daily basis. Athletes adding mass, workers focused on an assignment, busy travelers and those transitioning to a plant-based diet can all benefit from protein powder. Of course, once you begin searching for a protein supplement designed for you, you might find there is an overwhelming number of options available. Not to worry—here are some tips to whittle down the options, courtesy of the team at Mother Nature’s Food, the premier supplier of natural and organic foods in Eau Claire, WI. Consider the source Protein powders are made from various... View Article
September 6, 2018
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Back to school season is an exciting time for parents and students alike, but there are a lot of new things to adjust to when kids return to their classes. One of the most common problems that parents experience during back to school season is a sudden spike in sickness among their kids. Classroom settings often promote the spread of illnesses, and cold transmission can be a vicious cycle. To stay on top of your children’s health this fall, visit a nutrition store in Eau Claire, WI to stock up on products that will help you take steps to boost... View Article
March 17, 2018
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The stresses of modern life can sometimes feel like they are simply too much to bare. Finances, work and relationships can all be constant burdens, especially for people suffering from chronic anxiety. Whether you occasionally just become a bit too worried or are almost always consumed by feelings of anxiousness and dread, you are probably looking for a natural and healthy solution to your anxiety. Thankfully, organic essential oils in Eau Claire, WI are here to help! Essential oils date back to ancient times. They are highly distilled essences of certain herbs and botanicals. Aromatherapy, or the act of treating... View Article